My Top Ten list of Fragrant Roses

Double Delight for Fragrance

Double Delight for Fragrance

In the previous post I promised to give you a list of my favourite fragrant roses. Well, I couldn’t limit it to 5 perfect roses so here is my top ten list of the best fragrant roses that I have chosen for my garden.

What is my own personal favourite among all these fragrant roses?

First prize for Fragrance

I have given first prize to Double Delight. It has the strongest and loveliest perfume of all and it’s spectacular to look at with its lovely two tone colour. It also lasts for ages in the vase without dropping its petals. And the bush is prolific and strong. A really superb rose.

So here is my choice for the top ten most fragrant roses – in no particular order. They all have a wonderful fragrance and add something special to my rose garden.

Choose any one of the following roses and you’ll be captivated by its lovely perfume.

Double Delight
Duftwolke (Fragrant Cloud)
Just Joey
Mister Lincoln
Garden Queen
Red n Fragrant
Ingrid Bergman
Pappa Meilland
Crimson Glory

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