Gardeners everywhere are becoming very aware of ecological issues. We
all know what damage we can do to the environment when we use toxic
sprays and poisons. Not only do we poison the environment as a whole,
but we also ruin the ecological balance of our own gardens.
To the organic gardener, poisonous pesticides, toxic fungicides and
all manner of toxic sprays are anathema. And so I have put together a
selection of non-toxic sprays and environment friendly solutions for
certain pests and diseases.
Most of these following environment friendly sprays are particularly
well suited to the rose garden but you should also try them in your
vegetable and flower garden.
Firstly we will need to divide our garden protection program into two
separate areas. Garden problems arise mainly as a result of pests or
diseases and we have to attack these problems differently.
It’s no use spraying your roses with a fungicide if you are being
invaded by thrips or aphids. These are insects and you will have to
protect your plants against them using a specific insect repellent.
Similarly, you cannot cure a mildew problem by spraying your plants
with an insecticide.
With that in mind I have provided some solutions for:
Non-toxic sprays for fungal diseases in plants and roses
Non-toxic sprays and repellents for Insects
Get rid of pests without Poisons
There is also a book
that you can download that has excellent organic methods for dealing
with pests without using poisons. It is called "Organic
Pest Control Secrets" and you can find it here:
